Minggu, 30 Agustus 2020

Hingga 1000s Raiid ClickBank Setiap Hari Menggunakan 'The ClickBank Formula


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Pekerjaan Legal Bank?

1000s Raiid ClickBank Setiap Hari Menggunakan 'The ClickBank Formula'

Membuat komisi afiliasi pasif telah PERNAH menjadi LEBIH MUDAH ...  Hanya Masukkan Kata Kunci
mengaktifkan. Sistem CB bekerja sejak 2011
Peringatan: Harga naik setiap jam, setiap jam. Bertindak sekarang untuk akses instan dengan harga terendah… 
  • Lengkapi sistem pemasaran afiliasi otomatis ...
  • Membuat CBA Hub 'keuntungan otomatis' lengkap ...
  • Berbasis cloud. Gunakan di perangkat apa pun , di seluruh dunia…
  • Bekerja dalam 3 langkah sederhana…
  • Mendorong lalu lintas pembeli bertarget berkualitas tinggi , GRATIS…
  • Menghasilkan hasil sepanjang tahun ...
  • Memberikan hasil yang cepat ...
  • Bekerja di ceruk apa pun 
  • 100% Ramah pemula ...
  • Tidak ada biaya tambahan. Bahkan hosting sudah termasuk ...
  • Termasuk pelatihan ...
  • Langganan Bulanan Rendah. Bayar sekali, dapatkan akses seumur hidup….

Clickbank Penjualan Memiliki Meledak di


Bahkan Pemula Dibayar Setiap Minggu… Apakah Anda?

*** Semua Gambar diambil dari Akun Mark Bishops - Jumlah yang ditampilkan tidak boleh dianggap biasa ***

Raih bagian Anda di Clickbank


Dengan 1 Klik Seperti Ini ...

 Hemat $ 30 jika Anda berinvestasi hari ini

 Sebelumnya $ 47 , Sekarang Hanya $ 17  untuk akses 'berkelanjutan' penuh.

Peringatan: Harga naik setiap jam, setiap jam. Bertindak sekarang untuk akses instan dengan harga terendah… 

Harga Berikutnya Naik Dalam:



Komisi Clickbank 



Masukkan kata kunci Anda untuk langsung membuka produk clickbank terlaris di ceruk apa pun . Cukup pilih produk yang ingin Anda promosikan, dari 276 kategori berbeda…

(Anda bahkan dapat memilih beberapa produk sekaligus)



Sumber dan kecocokan Raiid terbukti mengonversi konten untuk mempromosikan produk pilihan Anda ... Tidak perlu menulis!

Perangkat lunak ini kemudian membuat Clickbank Affiliate Hub (CBA Hub) Anda sendiri menggunakan konten berkualitas tinggi yang dibuat secara otomatis dan menambahkan tautan afiliasi Anda ...


Lalu Lintas Gratis

Raiid mensindikasikan konten Anda (dengan tautan afiliasi) di 5 platform lalu lintas tinggi. Mendorong pembeli dan komisi yang ditargetkan dengan autopilot 100% ...

ClickBank yang Dirubah 2020

ada di FIRE… Saatnya Grab

Raiid sangat cocok untuk Pemula | Tidak Perlu Pengalaman atau Biaya Tambahan

Semua Gambar diambil dari Akun Mark Bishops - Jumlah yang ditampilkan tidak boleh dianggap tipikal

 Hemat $ 30 jika Anda berinvestasi hari ini

 Sebelumnya $ 47 , Sekarang Hanya $ 17  untuk akses 'berkelanjutan' penuh.

Peringatan: Harga naik setiap jam, setiap jam. Bertindak sekarang untuk akses instan dengan harga terendah… 

Harga Berikutnya Naik Dalam:

Pemasar Cerdas yang Terhormat,
Mark Bishop di sini ...

Sudahkah Anda memeriksa ClickBank baru-baru ini?

Tidak… Nah… Jika Anda suka mendapatkan pembayaran afiliasi mingguan, Anda perlu memeriksanya hari ini.

Kamu melihat; Ada banyak cara berbeda untuk menghasilkan uang secara online, tetapi pemasaran afiliasi dengan Clickbank saat ini, adalah cara tercepat, termudah, dan paling efektif untuk menghasilkan pendapatan pasif 24/7/365 pada tahun 2020 ...
Mengapa pemasaran afiliasi begitu cepat dan efektif?

Jika Anda telah berada di industri ini untuk waktu yang lama, Anda mungkin sudah tahu jawabannya, tetapi untuk berjaga-jaga ... Affiliate marketing memungkinkan Anda menghasilkan uang dari penjualan produk digital sepanjang waktu, sama seperti yang dilakukan oleh pembuat produk. ..

Tanpa harus:

Ciptakan sebuah produk
Lakukan penjualan apapun
Lakukan pekerjaan teknis apa pun, seperti menangani pengiriman produk atau menyiapkan keanggotaan
Tangani dukungan pelanggan apa pun
Pekerjaan kasar itu adalah semua pekerjaan pembuat produk ...

Sebagai afiliasi, yang perlu Anda lakukan hanyalah mengarahkan prospek yang ditargetkan melalui tautan afiliasi Anda ke halaman penjualan, dan Anda menghasilkan uang. Sesederhana itu ...
Namun terlepas dari kesederhanaannya, afiliasi dapat memperoleh komisi antara 50-100% per penjualan saat mempromosikan produk digital di ClickBank ...

Benar, dalam beberapa kasus, penghasilan afiliasi bisa lebih tinggi daripada penghasilan pembuat produk sendiri; Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa pembuat produk telah menghabiskan waktu berbulan - bulan dengan darah, keringat, dan air mata untuk menyiapkan semuanya ... 

Itulah mengapa pemasaran afiliasi sangat cepat dan efektif. Dan mereka yang telah menguasai pemasaran afiliasi dapat menghasilkan banyak uang langsung ; tanpa berminggu - minggu, berbulan-bulan atau bertahun-tahun 'kerja kasar' yang keras ... 

Vendor ClickBank


Bagaimana pencipta produk ClickBank berbagi lebih dari setengah dari penghasilan mereka
dengan Anda, saat mereka melakukan 99% pekerjaan?
Ini cukup sederhana - Karena pembuat produk membutuhkan lalu lintas bertarget untuk melakukan penjualan…

Dan itulah mengapa pembuat produk bersedia berbagi begitu banyak pendapatan dengan afiliasi; karena tanpa lalu lintas yang dihasilkan afiliasi , pembuat produk sering kali gagal melakukan penjualan sama sekali ... 

H ence mengapa pemasaran afiliasi bisa begitu menguntungkan ... Terutama Hari ini 

Tapi inilah peringatannya ... 
Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa pemasaran afiliasi adalah metode tercepat untuk menghasilkan pendapatan yang mengubah hidup secara online, tidaklah mudah… 

(Tidak dengan metode tradisional, praktis)



Jika pemasaran afiliasi semudah kedengarannya, semua orang akan menjadi afiliasi super ...

Ada alasan mengapa sebagian besar pemasar digital tahu tentang pemasaran afiliasi, tetapi sangat sedikit yang menghasilkan uang penuh dari komisi Clickbank dan itu karena pemasaran afiliasi, terlepas dari kesederhanaannya, secara tradisional membutuhkan banyak waktu untuk dikuasai ...

Berhenti Gagal Hari Ini

Jika Anda pernah mencoba dan gagal dengan pemasaran afiliasi di masa lalu, saya ingin menjelaskan bahwa itu bukan salah Anda…
Jika Anda pernah mencoba dan gagal dengan pemasaran afiliasi di masa lalu, Anda tidak sendirian…

Faktanya, sangat umum bagi pemasar untuk berinvestasi dalam "kursus" pemasaran afiliasi dan gagal… 

Salah satu masalah besar adalah bahwa "guru" akan memberi tahu Anda betapa mudahnya pemasaran afiliasi tetapi kenyataannya sangat berbeda . Pemasaran afiliasi adalah sebuah bentuk seni, ini bukan hanya sesuatu yang dapat dilakukan siapa pun dengan mudah… 

Afiliasi hanya memiliki satu pekerjaan yang mengarahkan lalu lintas bertarget ke halaman penjualan. Ini bisa membuatnya terdengar mudah, tetapi melakukan ini dengan baik membutuhkan seperangkat keterampilan. Keterampilan yang secara tradisional diasah selama bertahun-tahun…

Afiliasi yang Berhasil Tahu Cara ...

Hasilkan lalu lintas ke konten mereka dan pada gilirannya, melalui tautan afiliasi mereka ...
Buat konten berkualitas tinggi yang melakukan pra-penjualan produk ...

Pilih produk yang mengubah ...

Sebenarnya, sangat sedikit orang yang memiliki keterampilan untuk menyusun teka-teki ini jika mereka melakukan semuanya secara manual. Dan itulah mengapa tingkat kegagalan mereka yang memasuki pemasaran afiliasi sangat tinggi…

Itu sampai sekarang…

Dengan kekuatan otomatisasi , pemasaran afiliasi ClickBank menjadi jauh lebih mudah daripada sebelumnya…

Venkata, Nakul, dan saya telah menjadi pemasar digital selama bertahun-tahun dan selama periode itu kami telah menguasai seni menghasilkan ribuan dolar setiap minggu dalam penjualan produk digital dan komisi afiliasi.

Semua Gambar diambil dari Akun Mark Bishops - Jumlah yang ditampilkan tidak boleh dianggap tipikal

Sekarang saya tidak memberi tahu Anda tentang kesuksesan ini untuk menyombongkan diri. Jauh dari itu, karena mencapai tempat kita sekarang merupakan perjalanan yang sulit…

Kami tidak hanya terjun ke pemasaran afiliasi dan mengalami kesuksesan instan. Kami harus bekerja berjam-jam, belajar dari percobaan dan kesalahan selama bertahun-tahun dan terus berkembang untuk menguasai seni pemasaran afiliasi ... 

Secara pribadi, untuk satu atau dua tahun pertama; Saya hampir tidak menghasilkan apa-apa, saya mungkin menghabiskan lebih dari yang saya hasilkan! 

Dan itulah mengapa saya dapat mengatakan dengan tulus, pemasaran afiliasi tidak semudah yang Anda yakini ...

Tetapi tidak harus kerja keras.

Pada tahun 2011 saya menemukan formula langkah demi langkah yang bekerja mulus dengan Clickbank. Formula yang telah terbukti yang memungkinkan siapa pun untuk langsung masuk ke ceruk baru dan menghasilkan uang langsung tanpa mengetahui apa pun tentang ceruk tersebut… Termasuk saya.

Pada 2014 saya dikenal sebagai ...

Ex Plumber yang membuat

$ 123.936

dalam 6 bulan dari 1 niche ClickBank

Saya mulai menggunakan Formula ClickBank pada tahun 2011, dan hampir satu dekade kemudian formula tersebut masih menghasilkan pembayaran komisi ClickBank minggu demi minggu.

Namun hari ini, kami tahu cara tercepat untuk meningkatkan skala adalah dengan mengotomatiskan setiap langkah dari pemilihan produk, hingga membuat konten pra-penjualan, hingga mengarahkan lalu lintas bertarget gratis ....

Dan setelah berbulan-bulan bekerja dengan tim pengembangan perangkat lunak kami, orang-orang berhasil ... 

Menghasilkan sistem pemasaran afiliasi pasif yang mengotomatiskan seluruh proses pembuatan penjualan Clickbank dari awal sampai akhir, tanpa satu ton pekerjaan manual yang membosankan ... 

Semua Gambar diambil dari Akun Mark Bishops - Jumlah yang ditampilkan tidak boleh dianggap tipikal


Sistem Pemasaran Afiliasi ClickBank Otomatis

  • Lengkapi sistem pemasaran afiliasi otomatis ...
  • Menciptakan lengkap 'siap untuk mendapatkan' CBA Hub ...
  • Berbasis cloud. Gunakan di perangkat apa pun , di seluruh dunia…
  • Bekerja dalam 3 langkah sederhana…
  • Mendorong lalu lintas pembeli yang berorientasi pada kualitas tinggi , GRATIS… 
  • * Menghasilkan hasil sepanjang tahun ...
  • Memberikan hasil yang cepat ...
  • Bekerja di ceruk apa pun 
  • 100% Newbie ramah ...
  • Tidak ada biaya tambahan. Bahkan hosting sudah termasuk ...
  • Termasuk pelatihan video ...
  • Langganan Bulanan Rendah. Bayar sekali, dapatkan akses seumur hidup….

* Dapat menghasilkan hasil sepanjang tahun saat digunakan

In short, Raiid is arguably the easiest and potentially best automated ClickBank affiliate marketing system on the market. In just 3 steps, the software builds ready to earn Clickbank Affiliate Hubs (CBA Hubs) and sends targeted traffic to them using syndication. Giving you the potential to make regular affiliate sales, 24 hour per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year on complete autopilot. All from entering nothing more than a simple keyword in your niche…

Can You Enter 1 Keyword?

Activate Your Raiid CBA Now - Get Started in Next 5 Minutes

Raiid is designed with simplicity in mind making it perfect for Newbies
No Experience or Additional Costs Required.
ClickBank approval is guaranteed even without a sales record.

 Save $30 if you invest today

 Was $47, Now Only $17 for Full 'ongoing' access.

Warning: The price is rising on the hour, every hour. Act now for instant access at the lowest price… 

Next Price Rises In:



Clickbank Commissions

S T E P  01


Enter your keyword to instantly unlock the best selling clickbank products in any niche. Simply select the product you want to promote, from 276 different categories…

(You can even select multiple products at once)

S T E P  02


Raiid sources and matches proven to convert content to promote your chosen product(s)... No writing required!

The software then generates your own Clickbank Affiliate Hub (CBA Hub) using that high quality automatically generated content and adds your affiliate link...

S T E P  03

Free Traffic

Raiid syndicates your content (with affiliate links) across 5 high traffic platforms. Driving targeted buyers and commissions on 100% autopilot...

Will Your Weekly

ClickBank Payments Look Like This

All Images taken from Mark Bishops Account - Amounts shown should not be considered typical

 Save $30 if you invest today

 Was $47, Now Only $17 for Full 'ongoing' access.

Warning: The price is rising on the hour, every hour. Act now for instant access at the lowest price… 

Next Price Rises In:


Anyone Can Make Affiliate Sales with Raiid...

That includes YOU…


Experienced Marketers

Part Time Marketers




Stay at home parents

And anyone else...

Stop wasting your time trying to “learn” all of the skills it takes to set up affiliate marketing campaigns manually. With Raiid, you can automate the entire process… We’ve even included traffic syndication!

Your Results Start Here - Activate Raiid Now

 Save $30 if you invest today

 Was $47, Now Only $17 for Full 'ongoing' access.

Warning: The price is rising on the hour, every hour. Act now for instant access at the lowest price… 

Next Price Rises In:


Why Do Everything Manually?

When you can have everything done for you at the touch of a button?

Look, despite the simplicity of affiliate marketing, doing everything manually takes time…
Having to select a niche and then manually check there are products that are proven to sell within it…
Having to create high quality pre-sell content that is good enough to push prospects through your affiliate link…
Having to graft or spend on traffic to get eyeballs to your content…
If you mess up just one of the steps, you mess up everything…

And the result is wasted time, money and effort. 

Most new affiliates spend weeks, months, even years creating blogs, websites and review platforms without the guarantee of earning a single penny…

Do you really want to do all that work knowing that you might not make a single sale?

With Raiid all of these steps are automated, (done for you…)

And they have been perfected, so you know they will work... 
Raiid creates high converting CBA Hubs and
drives traffic to them automatically...

Built In

High Traffic Syndication

With the touch of a button, you can syndicate your automatically generated ‘proven to convert’ content across 5 of the highest trafficked platforms online.

Syndication means your content gets instant traction, plus it can rank in search engines forever, meaning your CBA Hub is an asset that can make sales 24/7, even when you’re sleeping... 

And you don’t need to be a technical or marketing guru to do this… 

In fact, you don’t need any skills at all… 
All of the steps that previously required ‘knowledge’ & ‘skills’ are now executed by Raiid... 

This means you can start generating results from day 1; all from entering a seed keyword and clicking a few buttons. It really is incredibly simple…

Can You Enter 1 Keyword?

Activate Your Raiid CBA Now - Get Started in Next 5 Minutes

 Save $30 if you invest today

 Was $47, Now Only $17 for Full 'ongoing' access.

Warning: The price is rising on the hour, every hour. Act now for instant access at the lowest price… 

Next Price Rises In:


Imagine How It Will Feel

When You Are Able To Automatically Generate
Clickbank Commissions...

Quit your job
Choose the hours you “work”
Spend more time with your family and friends
Wake up wealthier from overnight commissions
Drive an exotic sports car or luxury home
Take your family on that dream vacation
Buy the perfect gift for your partner or children
Control the destiny of you and your family
Stop wasting your time trying to “learn” all of the skills it takes to set up affiliate marketing campaigns manually. With Raiid, you can automate the entire process… We’ve even included traffic syndication!

In 2020,

You Simply Can’t Afford To Ignore Clickbank...

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you probably know Clickbank is having a huge resurgence this year…

Which means Clickbank affiliates are going to make even more money... 

To date, the platform has over 200 million customers in 200+ countries and with over $4.2 Billions Dollars paid out to vendors and affiliates... 

Yes, that’s…


So if you’re wondering why we're happy to share this super profitable automated affiliate marketing software with you, it’s because there’s more than enough room for all of us to succeed without treading on each other’s toes…


Sure, But… How much is this game changing affiliate
marketing software going to cost?
With Raiid, anyone can succeed at affiliate marketing…

Raiid even hosts your CBA Hubs for you so there are no additional costs. You can however add a domain name to make your hub unique to you should you wish to... 

With Raiid You Can...

  • Create Hosted CBA Hubs automatically 
  • Promote up to 10 Products Per Month
  • Source & Match content to products (No creating or writing yourself)
  • Syndicate Content Across 5 High Traffic Platforms
  • Each of your Hubs was built in Page SEO Included
  • You get 1 Subdomain
  • And you can add 1 Unique Domain (Unique to you)
As you can see,
The entire affiliate marketing process - from content creation,
to hub generation, to traffic - is fully automated...
The days of needing specialist skills to succeed as an affiliate are gone…. 

If you can use a computer and follow instructions then you can create CBA Hubs that make passive affiliate commissions with Raiid... 

With that in mind, we should be charging a 3 figure monthly subscription for Raiid… 

After all, an automated money making solution is priceless… 

But we didn’t create Raiid to sell for maximum profit. We created this software for ourselves, to automate a proven ClickBank affiliate marketing formula… 

And with Clickbank having a huge resurgence in 2020, we soon realised that there is room for all of us to succeed. This is why we are able to share Raiid with you, for a limited time, at a super affordable price… 
After all, our intention is to help as many of our valued customers to succeed as we can...
With that in mind, we’re not going
to charge $197 per month…
Not even $97
By investing today you can access Raiid for only $47 per month... 

Today only, we’re going one better… 

If you take action today, we’re giving you ongoing access to Raiid for a single one time payment that is less than we should be charging monthly... 

By taking action now, you can get full ongoing access to Raiid, for a single one off payment starting at just *$17.00…
*$17 is the starting price, the price you see may be higher now due to hourly price rises.
The catch? 

The price is rising every hour. So you will need to act right now to grab the best price… or you will pay more later.

 Save $30 if you invest today

 Was $47, Now Only $17 for Full 'ongoing' access.

Warning: The price is rising on the hour, every hour. Act now for instant access at the lowest price… 

Next Price Rises In:


Still on the fence?

Check what Early Users are already saying about Raiid...

These Products Have Been Selling For Years

Raiid is really quite different to most of today's products. It’s not all about the latest thing, doing what everyone else is doing, and trying to compete in an overcrowded space. You can find and promote products in any niche, some with hardly any competition, and the results are evergreen because many of these products have been selling for years and will continue to do so.

T. praveen

I Don’t Get Accepted As An Affiliate

One of the first things that i like is that i can pick a product with raiid and I get my Clickbank link to promote product straight away, just this part makes it a great thing for new marketers because i don’t get accepted as an affiliate normally, or it might take a long time. It’s also good because it is a different way of doing affiliate marketing so i don’t need an email list or to spend more on other things.


I Used To Do This Personally

I would say Raiid is a modern spin on a Clickbank affiliate marketing plan that lots of affiliates have used to make money over the years. I used to do this personally and it always worked well, but it did take time to do.
When you did it the old way everything needed to be done manually or you had to pay people on fiverr to do some parts, so it all took some time. With Raiid each part of the plan is included in one place and it does most of it for you. The other neat thing is the built in syndication (traffic). I have no hesitation in recommending this software.

Kapil G.

Raiid Is NOT Going To Make You Rich?

I was lucky enough to get early access to raiid…
First of all I will say that raiid is not going to make you rich overnight when you push one button. 

The whole method inside the software is set-up around a tried and tested ClickBank / Affiliate formula which has been around for years. It works because instead of promoting the latest launch / software etc what you actually do is promote products in other niches and there are hundreds of them, for example you might promote a product about weight loss, or you might promote a product in the survivalist /prepper niche.  

Like i said there are hundreds of niches here and they all make affiliates money every day. But unlike the product launch market most of the ClickBank products stay in the marketplace and stay relevant so they continue to keep selling, that means affiliates tend to make consistent commission over a long period instead of short term spikes followed by nothing. 

The formula works, and Raiid semi automates the formula for you, so why wouldn't you try it? 

Art Flair

The Trick Here Here Is Not The [...]

It’s pretty simple really… login - pick a product - the software creates the post and embeds your affiliate link for you, but it’s worth checking through and tweaking here and there - then syndicate the post.

And do it again. The trick here here is not the system itself, we all know it works, it always has done, and it always will. 

The trick is the speed in which you can complete all of the steps…  
Don’t overthink it, just pick a product, get it out there and move onto the next one - Simple!

Mike Mckay


  FREE: Act Now To Get $624 In Bonuses! 

*Please Note: Bonuses will be removed soon - Claim yours NOW

Raiid Customer Training Webinar
S.A.S. is the ultimate affiliate marketing system. With hands on training from marketers responsible for more than $10 million dollars. Watch the step-by-step insider training on unleashing the full power of industry-disrupting Groove-F. S.A.S enables you to promote the best offers with the same platform Raiid uses… with NO spend.

Retail Value: $297

$160 Discount On Raiid ‘Heist’
You’ll instantly qualify for a special $130 discount on the increase results by 300% version of Raiid (Optional / Not Required)

This is only available for a limited time before it's removed. 

Retail Value: $160

Weird Niche Marketing Training:
Share across 2 additional FREE traffic platforms for even more FREE traffic. Note: Raiid uses an evergreen system for siphoning traffic. 

Retail Value: $197


We’ll Even Pay You $100

Order with zero-risk...

We want you to purchase with confidence & want you to have peace of mind when you do...

So we're giving you a full 30 days to try this out… one whole month to generate clickbank affiliate commission in any niche with Raiid.. 

If you use Raiid and don’t get results, let us know and we'll send you your money back. It's that simple. 

 Save $30 if you invest today

 Was $47, Now Only $17 for Full 'ongoing' access.

Warning: The price is rising on the hour, every hour. Act now for instant access at the lowest price… 

Next Price Rises In:

Your Raiid Package Includes the Following Today!
  • Raiid Cloud Based Software- Worth $197 (Yearly Value)
  • Create ‘Hosted’ CBA Hubs automatically - Worth $297 (Yearly Value)
  • Promote up to 10 Products Per Month (No recurring costs or fees) - Worth $297 (Yearly Value)
  • Source & Match content to products (No creating or writing yourself) - Worth $97 (Yearly Value)
  • Syndicate Content Across 5 High Traffic Platforms - Worth $197 (Yearly Value)
  • Built in Hub Page SEO - Worth $47 (Yearly Value)
  • You get 1 Subdomain - Worth $47
  • And you can add 1 Unique Domain (Unique to you) - Worth $47
  • Raid Training - Worth $97
  • World Class Support - Worth $197
  • 3 Platinum Bonuses - Worth $600+
Grab It All Now For:
WARNING!!! The Price Is Going Up Every 60 Minutes.
Grab It Now To Get In At The Lowest Price Possible!

Still Here?

You Have a 2nd Choice...

Of course... you have choices.
  • You can keep doing the same thing you’re doing right now?
  • And keep getting the same tiny, or non-existent results
  • You can access Raiid Today
  • And plug straight into a Proven and automated ClickBank affiliate formula
  • Remember: Raid finds the products, finds and matches the content, automatically adds your affiliate link… and syndicates each CBA Hub post across 5 high traffic platforms.
The choice is yours, but the risk is all ours… remember we’re giving you 30 days to try Raiid out for yourself. All you have to do is try it right now with the huge discount we’ve included.

Still thinking?... OK, But don’t take too long to decide because the price rises every 60 minutes. Ready: Click the Buy Now Button below right now to lock-in discounted access to Raiid

Your Raiid Account Is Ready Now

Click The Button for Instant Access

 Save $30 if you invest today

 Was $47, Now Only $17 for Full 'ongoing' access.

Warning: The price is rising on the hour, every hour. Act now for instant access at the lowest price… 

Next Price Rises In:

P.S. Affiliate Marketing with Clickbank really is the fastest and most effective way to make passive income 24/7/365 in 2020. That said, you can still be one of many people who fail with affiliate marketing if you try to do everything yourself. With Raiid a proven formula is executed for you. It’s foolproof. If you dream of becoming a successful affiliate who can make money while you sleep, You really should try Raiid Today.
P.P.S. The price is genuinely going up every hour on the hour and we will be reverting to a monthly subscription very soon. If you want to make passive affiliate commissions without the ‘grunt work’, hit the buy button right now before the price goes up…
  • How often can I use Raiid?
During the launch phase, you get full ongoing access to Raiid for a single low one time payment. You can add 1 subdomain, 1 domain and promote up to 10 products per month without any recurring fees...
  • Are there any monthly fees or additional costs?
No. During the launch phase you get full ongoing access to the software for a low one time only payment. There are no additional or monthly costs. We even host your CBA Hubs so you do not have to buy hosting. You can choose to purchase a domain name for your CBA Hub, but that is optional.
  • Is Raiid compatible on Mac, PC, Android, Ios?
Yes. The software is based on the cloud, so it can be accessed on any device with a connection to the internet.
  • Do I need any tech skills?
No. Raiid is 100% newbie friendly. Training is provided.
  • Q. How Do I Lock-In My Discount?
Click The Button Below… Now

 Save $30 if you invest today

 Was $47, Now Only $17 for Full 'ongoing' access.

Warning: The price is rising on the hour, every hour. Act now for instant access at the lowest price… 

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This site is NOT endorsed by Google, Facebook or YouTube in ANY WAY. All trademarks & Logo / branding are the property of their respective owners.

Income Disclaimer: This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of my/our own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. Raiid (and its creators) make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are many factors and variables beyond our control which may impact any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavour, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

Liability Disclaimer: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered "for entertainment purposes only". Always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions.

Guarantee Terms: Raiid guarantee terms. You must use the software responsibly based on the video instructions (supplied). We guarantee that when following the instructions and using the software you will be able to find ClickBank best sellers, source related content, create hosted ClickBank Affiliate Hubs and syndicate your affiliate link embedded posts. We do not guarantee financial return/profit. In the unlikely event that Raiid does not work as stated, we will offer help and advice on how to get the software working best for you. In the event that we are unable to help you we will refund your payment.

*Please Note: Raiid is a software as a service (SaaS). Access is IPN linked to your payment… Refunding will cancel software access and render existing projects in your dash void immediately*

Every Effort Has Been Made To Accurately Represent Our Product And It’s Potential. Any Claims Made Of Actual Earnings Or Examples Of Actual Results Can Be Verified Upon Request. The Testimonials And Examples Used Are Exceptional Results, And Don’t Apply To The Average Purchaser And Are Not Intended To Represent Or Guarantee That Anyone Will Achieve The Same Or Similar Results. Each Individual’s Success Depends On His Or Her Background, Dedication, Desire And Motivation. As With Any Business Endeavor, There Is An Inherent Risk Of Loss Of Capital And There Is No Guarantee That You Will Earn Any Money.
© Hak Cipta 2020 - www.raiid.co - Semua Hak Dilindungi

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